Variant #0000011651 (NC_000001.10:-, NMNAT1(NM_022787.3):c.507G>A)

Chromosome 1
Allele Unknown
Affects function (as reported) Affects function
Affects function (by curator) Not classified
Type Substitution
DNA change (genomic) (Relative to hg19 / GRCh37) -
Reference GenBank
DB-ID NMNAT1_00001 See all 4 reported entries
Frequency -
Variant remarks It is inherited from mother who carries the mutation p.Trp169X.

There are three members in this family. The daughter is the patient and has mutations p.W169X and p.E257K. The parents are normal. The mother only carries the mutation p.W169X. The father carries the mutation p.E257K.
ClassClinical -
Average frequency (gnomAD v.2.1.1) Retrieve
Owner Qi Ming
Database submission license No license selected
Created by Qi Ming

Variant on transcripts



Affects function     


DNA change (cDNA)     

RNA change     

NMNAT1 NM_022787.3 ./. 05 c.507G>A - p.Trp169X